Friday saw me out with Douglas with a bespoke 1:1 day, following a coffee and some tidal planning Rhoscolyn on Anglesey, was our chosen destination to locate some wind, swell and gentle current. After working on edging and in particular side ways movement and low braces in the bay we used a small island on the edge of the bay, and its various narrows to work on turns and draws into a context.
Below is Douglas heading out into the last of the flood and some wind against tide, F3 gusting F4, using the top of the swell to turn and transfer of pressure to further assist.

After a couple of goes Douglas was looking fairly settled, so we then paddled out to the beacon and went through the concept of using the gears ... paddling faster to get out of a snarly section and then slowing it down again. Looking far enough ahead, to help to anticipate what to expect and a gentle changing of angle, to assist with nailing our intended destination which was the central channel, guarded by confused water, due to clapotis (reflected wave chain)

We took some shelter in the middle channel and then headed out through a different channel and back across the sound to a new beach and a welcomed lunch break! Some further rock gardening and then back to our start. A great day out, nice one Douglas plus an amazing 7c!