Having decided to cancel the weekends sea kayaking course, due to strong winds (F6-8) and rain I was hoping id made the right decision. After a coastal walk on Saturday, feeling the wind & spray, seeing the foam and surf I was happy with the decision. The air was also so much colder, with wind chill around 2-6c. Photo above, was taken at Treadour Bay on Saturday, which even attracted a surfer!!
Speaking with Barry Shaw on Saturday night, Justine and he were on for a paddle and there was also a chance of the super funny
Marcus Demuth ... Barry I think your very funny as well ;-) Out line was similar to the week before, beginning at Cemais Bay (north coast Anglesey) but to extend it to point lynas and go with the tide.

The model above I tend to use with clients, now it was time to use with myself!! I was pleased to have been out sea kayak surfing during the week, catching some good waves and rolling in the surf, and re discovering my mojo. I had also been working on coaching my mind, through strong associated imagery each day, connecting positive similar events and increasing my comfort zone. I had more experiences that were similar, which I could draw upon ... hence more control. An interesting point is that its often the Psychological element, that loses out as the other three are more tangible so easier to focus on and work with. However top athletes say that their success is down to 50% of their focus being Psychological and the other 3 elements sharing the remaining 50%! ... In brief ... I was ready to "expect the unexpected" -samurai saying?

We soon were at Cemais Bay, unloading kayaks and packing boats. It was a neap tide and about 40 mins before it was due to flood, wind with tide rather than the previous wind against so a different ride, was to be expected, although the surf was much bigger. We took some waves in the bay and I felt that exhilaration again ... plus control .. I was beginning to re discover my Mojo.
The wind was stronger than the previous week, swell was pushing through fast and it was great to be out there and loving it ...

As we approached the most Northerly headland, I was a different place to the week before, and despite huge banks of water pushing through, I had a different feeling to the environment. Rather than .... "oh ...." it was "wow' as each bank pushed fast. I was working much harder, being more dynamic, chasing and surfing waves ... whooping as I went!

Barry, Justine and Marcus (on the right and forward) at Middle Mouse ... it was great watching each other having fun and catching waves ..
The wind brought sleet and we were all glad to be waring paddle mitts, plus that it was also blow on our backs, rather than blowing into our faces ...
Probably the best perspective shot I got of the day, with Justine backing off and looking down on ME ... (decided Ive got to get on that gym ball and work on improving my balance more, so I can take more photos in the BIG stuff!!)
We were soon at the end, with smiles all round ... as Justine said ... "if only we could get a boat to take us back and do it all over again" ... what an idea.
I seemed to get a lot of photos of the sky and sea, many were out of focus and few of Marcus ... he was mainly up front enjoying his fairly new and light Carbon Kevlar kayak, skipping and running down the waves ... but what a difference a week can make with focus and a goal ... we were soon loaded and driving back to Cemais, with the prospect of hot chocolates at Marcus house ... we were not disappointed!!
Thanks to the three of you for a great day. R
PS: Justines blog of the day can be seen
roger chandler
north wales sea kayaking 2012 courses