Here we have Paul, working his way up one of the lock staircases, I think it was a height gain of 33mts?
Having reached the top, we were met with the first patches of ice on the lock. Di is helping Sue, who is in the kayak.
Sat night saw us camping out and with a temperature at 0830 on Sunday morning of -7 I'm sure it must have been -10 during the night. Put it this way, the inner tent had ice crystals on the ceiling! Sunday, saw us return and do a lower section of the river Dee, working on forwards paddling and structured breaks, in more glorious sunshine, blue skies and no wind! Last two photos were taken by Sonja.
Just look at that reflection!

All in all a super weekend, even if I say it my self! Really impressed with the team work, openness, ideas and suggestions on different ways of trying something. May this continue. Thanks to Sonja for finding us and picking us up at short notice, when the ice wouldn't let us get any further out of Chester! and for shuttling us about over the weekend.
All in all a super weekend, even if I say it my self! Really impressed with the team work, openness, ideas and suggestions on different ways of trying something. May this continue. Thanks to Sonja for finding us and picking us up at short notice, when the ice wouldn't let us get any further out of Chester! and for shuttling us about over the weekend.