With two days to do some admin and take time off , I was keen to make the most of my time and be efficient. Timing also coincided well as Olly was free for the Stacks and Barry & Justine were about for the eve, fantastic a plan!
I now have a P&H Delphin in the fleet, and having spent little time in the boat, this was a good opportunity to make the most of it. A leisurely start, assisted with a bacon roll and a cappuccino, soon saw us on the water at North Stack. The winds had been NW and although now light, the race was a little messy and confused. The Delphin felt really solid, and having played around with the fittings more comfortable than last time.
Thanks Olly for the photo, at North Stack ...

The one thing that is noticeable about the Delphin is its lack of forward speed, when attempting to paddle up against flow...! tired but satisfied, a hot chocolate soon toped the day. A brief call into summit to sea, Angleseys new shop, for Olly to drop some videos off and a welcomed cup of tea, thanks Pete, before returning to Menai Bridge.
1.5 hours later I was back out on the water, texting Barry that id meet them on the water, this time on the Straits, for the Swelly wave and what a super evening. It was quite amazing seeing the difference at low water and I made my way up to the Island, crossing the gentle flow watching the sea gulls hunting for crabs or star fish. The wave was busy, with around 8-10 people, despite this it was a good evening and I had enough runs, with a couple that I was really pleased with. I finished off the day with some fish & chips and was home for 2100!
By 0700 the next morning I was back on the water and the wave was beginning to work, quite different from the previous evening and there was just the two of us ... the Delphin felt good and solid again, certainly slower acceleration in positioning the boat, but very nimble once on the wave.
sea kayaking courses.
sea kayak Anglesey - North Wales.