"The Stacks" was the trip for the day a rare opportunity, when group, tide and conditions all came together. The Stacks is a committing trip that provided us with some early rough water, a capsize and a good rescue from Sue, and lots of opportunities for reading water and working with confused patterns of water.
Keith entering the eddy at the top of North stack race and the Irish ferry in the back ground.

The day was finished off with some retrospective planning (we had to leave do the shuttle and get on the water ... tide and time waits for no man or woman!), over hot chocolates, looking at the 50/90 rule of tides, identifying that north stack flows for 7 hours (rather than 6!) and that when paddling in a committing tidal area, its important to be clear what time the last tide race begin its flow against you!
Very interesting article Roger, it seems very challenging.